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Climate and Health

The Ministry of Health has launched Uganda's  Climate and Health National Adaptation Plan (H-NAP) 2025-2030 today, the 22nd of August, 2024 in a colorful function held at Sheraton Hotel Kampala.

This is in line with Uganda's commitments at #COP26 and #COP28 and the launch was presided over by the Third Deputy Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Rukia Nakadama.

At the launch, Tree Adoption Uganda was presented with an award in recognition of its dedication and significant contribution towards building a climate resilient health system in Uganda. This comes against the background of the Organization's numerous initiatives that are geared towards creating communities where people and nature flourish.

Amongst others, the Health National Adaptation Plan seeks to establish a nationa; coordination framework for climate and health adaptation, mainstream and integrate climate and health in Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as non-state actors in their respective programs, prioritize actions to address the impacts of climate change on health and promote the generation and use of evidence in climate and health decision making.